St. Louis Marie de Montfort:
Our Founder
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St Louis Marie de Montfort, our Founder, died on 28 April 1716, in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre in the Vendée region of France. So next year (2016) is the Tercentenary of his death. The whole of the Montfortian Family will be celebrating his charism and legacy for more than a year, beginning on 24 May 2015, Pentecost Sunday, and going on until 11 September 2016. A special website has been created to help in the celebration of this Tercentenary - see it here.
A series of leaflets offering information, suggested readings, prayer-services and activities, are available for download here.
The Company of Mary is a Religious Congregation of men, Priests and Lay-Brothers, in the Roman Catholic Church, part of the Montfortian Family of followers of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673-1716).
On this site you will find information about the Company of Mary, its various divisions, and what we do. You will also find information about the wider Montfortian Family of three religious congregations and our associates; and about our Founder, St Louis Marie de Montfort, his life, his work, his writing, those who collaborated with him, and the Spirituality he left to the world.
You can also gain access to the writings of St. Louis Marie: either short descriptions of them, or online versions that are made available for private study. Other resources available are various downloadable documents (articles, decrees, letters, and some of the lesser-known works of St. Louis Marie); archived articles from the newsletter, "In the Footsteps of St. Louis Marie de Montfort", published between 1995 and 2008; and a "virtual" pilgrimage to the places where St. Louis Marie lived and worked; a 15-lesson Course in Montfortian Spirituality; podcasts on this Spitituality; access to the Montfort Blog (ongoing formation in Montfortian Spirituality) [for all of these, use the 'Resources' menu above]; as well as links to other pages of Montfortian interest.
At the top of each page, below the header, you will find a drop-down menu that will take you to the various parts of our site. We hope you enjoy your visit. There's also a comprehensive Sitemap under the Home button.
And, at the bottom of each page, at the right-hand side of the footer, clicking on an arrow () will take you to the top of the page.
Find the details of the deaths of all members of the Company of Mary through the years...
New short life of St Louis Marie de Montfort, in pamphlet form, published by Montfort Press and the Catholic Truth Society. - See also a review of the pamphlet on the Catholic Herald Comment site (blog).
Newsletter - Montfort House, Liverpool, available for download.
Prominent Montfortians of the past, Biographical notes.
Charles BESNARD, Life of M. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, Vol. I, now available in English translation.
Preparation for Total Consecration
Tercentenary of death of St Louis Marie
• Leaflets for prayer and reflection
Course in Montfortian Spirituality
Montfort Podcasts
Montfort Blog
"This devotion is a smooth, short, perfect and sure way of attaining union with our Lord, in which Christian perfection consists (TD 152)."
by Fr Paul Allerton, SMM
Available now from Montfort Press and the Catholic Truth Society (
It is also avaiualable from St Paul's Publicarions, both in the UK ( and in Australia (
To celebrate the tercentenary of the death of our Founder.
Or Tel: 0151 287 6862 (Ext. 22)
If you are interested in learning more about the Spirituality of St. Louis Marie de Montfort, this course might be for you. It consists of 15 lessons, which you can take at your own pace, and which offer the opportunity to have your understanding evaluated as you go along. To join the course, click here or on the heading above.
Subscribe to our podcast, "St. Louis Marie de Montfort and 'True Devotion'" on our Podcasts page, or in the iTunes Store.
A new series of articles on the theme of "Wisdom" on the Montfort Blog (ongoing formation in Montfortian spirituality, in English, French and Indonesian).