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Montfort Press

Montfort Press is operated by the Montfort Missionaries of the Province of Gt. Britain & Ireland, as part of their apostolate to spread knowledge of the spirituality of St. Louis Marie de Montfort.

Montfort Press publishes the works of St. Louis Marie de Montfort, and sells other books and booklets relating to him and his spirituality, especially his True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin. It also sells CD audiobooks of certain of his writings, as well as Video Tapes and DVDs of his Life and Spirituality. In the Montfort Press Online Shop, you can also download The Secret of Mary, read by Fr. Paul Allerton, smm, as mp3 files. If you would like to download a free sample track, you can do so here.

NEW! A new short life of St Louis Marie de Montfort, by Fr Paul Allerton, SMM, published by Montfort Press and the Catholic Truth Societry in booklet form (56 pages), to commemorate the Tercentenary of St Louis Marie's death (2016).

This booklet is available, priced £2.50 from Montfort Press and the CTS.

NEW! A new edition, in paperback format, of the popular book "The Reign of Jesus through Mary" by Fr. Gabriel Denis, SMM, has just become available, price £6.95.

This new edition contains, as before, the complete text of "The Secret of Mary", with a revised section on Preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. The sections on "Practices of the Interior Life" and "Practices of our Exterior Life" have been slightly revised, mainly regarding language, while there is a revised collection of prayers and exercises for consecrated souls.

You can access this new edition on our Online Shop here.

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