Statue group of
"Our Lady Queen of All Hearts"
in the chapel in Via Romagna, Rome.
The Montfort Missionaries in the Province of Great Britain & Ireland have groups of Associates, who are people who have an interest in the spirituality of St. Louis Marie de Montfort, and who support the mission of the Company of Mary in various ways: principally through their prayers, but also sometimes in practical service, collaborating in one way or another with the members of the congregation.
In recent years, quite a number of people have asked to be associated with our mission through their prayers, and a loose association of these has given rise to "The Montfortian Family of Prayer", who offer their prayers for us and who benefit by their inclusion in our own prayers. For all our Associates and friends, a newsletter was published about 3 times a year, with details of the apostolate we carry out, the missions given, the various special requests for prayer, etc., and articles on the spirituality of St. Louis Marie, and on various examples of our mission and apostolate around the world. The newsletter has been suspended for the moment, for various reasons, but we hope to replace it in the future with some other form of newsletter. This newsletter replaced what used to be called "In the Footsteps of St. Louis Marie de Montfort" ("Footsteps" for short). You can still read various articles from past issues in "Footsteps On-line". See the right-hand column for details of how to be included in the Montfortian Family of Prayer.
Holding a special place among the various "Associates" are the members of the Association "Mary, Queen of All Hearts", which is open to all those who, after careful preparation and consultation with a Director of the Association, having made the Total Consecration to Jesus Christ through the hands of Mary, as taught by St Louis Marie de Montfort, commit themselves to "following the spiritual and apostolic path proposed by St. Louis Marie de Montfort", and to collaborating, "to the degree that this is possible in their own state of life, in the apostolate of the Company of Mary, under the guidance of the Director General" of the Association. Membership of the Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts is the closest form of association with the Company of Mary. For further information, see this page.
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